Does Your Business Need a Logo?

Do we need one? Companies wrestle with this logo question all the time. Marketing of all kinds is a rather imprecise business, but few issues are harder to get one’s arms around than whether a company should bother with creating and marketing a logo. Perhaps the best way to answer the question (Do we need a logo?) is to ask another question: Why do we need logo? Here are some reasonable answers. 1. Because we do a lot of offline marketing Logos (and images in general) are noticed and [...]

How Mobile Marketing Can Benefit Your Business

Mobile marketing and advertising trends continue to keep growing, much like that of a SUPER NOVA. Mobile to overtake fixed Internet access by 2014” had been the bold prediction clear back in 2008 by Mary Meeker, an analyst at Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers who reviews technology trends annually. We are WAY past the tipping point on that incredible prediction.   Mobile Friendly Web Site : With the advent of mobile usage literally going off the scale it's very important that your business have a mobile friendly website. When consumers are [...]

Building A Web Presence That Kicks-A$$ On The Competition! (Part II)

Building A Web Presence That Kicks-A$$ On The Competition! (Part II) Let's continue on the journey of building your site to be SEO attractive to the various platforms (Google, Bing, Yahoo, AOL, Best Of The Web) that provide search results. In Part I we focused on the importance of Off Page SEO, in Part II we will be discussing On Page SEO. On Page SEO is a foundational component in helping the various search engines, Google in particular, to know of the importance and relevance of your site's content. The [...]

Building A Web Presence That Kicks-A$$ On The Competition! (Part I)

I assumed that everyone knows how important a website is to any business's online marketing strategy. Whether your target market is local or global, you absolutely must have an online presence to reach potential buyers. But strangely enough, my assumption was wrong! According to a recent survey, provided by 1&1 Internet, up to 40% of small-to-medium sized businesses still don't have a website. Even if you think you have it covered because you're on a few social media platforms, operating without a website is just insane. A website is the [...]

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