The Fold is it DEAD/Mutating or causing Global Warming?

As a web site developer for as long as I can remember, there has been a single instruction from nearly every client who strolled through the door: Make certain that "X" is above the fold. Often it was their mission statement, it sometimes was their contact details, it sometimes was the entire web site, never the less it constantly must be “above the fold”. This same mantra I would hear when working with different marketing professionals, they all would grind this chant into my DNA. The importance of the fold. [...]

How long do you REALLY have?

How long do you REALLY have? How long do you have to make a connection with your audience? I use to say, about 7 Seconds. I'd heard somewhere that 7 seconds was the average attention span of most adults. I thought this was a reasonable model and a good rule of thumb to use when developing the concept and design of a website. Grabbing a visitor's attention and inspiring them to hang around longer than 7 seconds is a challenge. The next goal is to drive them beyond the initial [...]

The Evolution of Web Design: How Often Should You Redesign Your Company’s Web Site? Part I

The easy answer is "more often than you think." Web sites are a process, not a product, a productive web site is constantly evolving. It should be flexible not set in stone, NOT a check off the old TO DO list. You should constantly be looking at NEW ways to improve your site - a tweak here, an update there. And if something isn't working, you need to fix it right away. There's no reason and no excuse to wait. Even if you think the site is working fine, [...]

Does Your Business Need a Logo?

Do we need one? Companies wrestle with this logo question all the time. Marketing of all kinds is a rather imprecise business, but few issues are harder to get one’s arms around than whether a company should bother with creating and marketing a logo. Perhaps the best way to answer the question (Do we need a logo?) is to ask another question: Why do we need logo? Here are some reasonable answers. 1. Because we do a lot of offline marketing Logos (and images in general) are noticed and [...]

Five Web Design Musts for Every Site Owner

When you're concerned about web design, all businesses should take into consideration their customers over anything else. While you want to make sure your site is filled with all of the SEO enhancers that you can find, making a site that's accessible and pleasant for customers is what will keep your traffic numbers up. Here are some tips to make sure you're getting the most out of your web design. Easy to read pages “ When customers arrive at a web site that's difficult to read, they tend to leave [...]

Don’t Let Web Stats Send You Into Data Overload

The point of having a website is that you should always be trying to build it into something bigger, you need to know if all your work is producing the results that you are seeking. How do you know that anyone is even looking at your web site? You need to be sure that you are using these 2 very important tools: Stat Counter and Google Analytics to track who visits your site and what they are doing while on your site. Both of these programs provide an incredible amount [...]

Two Key Ingredients That Make A Great Recipe for a Strong Web Presence

Website design and maintenance, should be two things that are always deeply connected, they are key ingredients to developing a powerful web presence. These two items are interwoven with each other because one element of the equation alone isn't enough. The greatest web site designs in the world can quickly fall into disrepair and without proper, consistent maintenance will help to maintain your site. Only when they work together can you count on establishing yourself and to also improve your presence online. Design and maintenance begins with a few important [...]

What is website navigation

Stick to the standard. There is a good chance your customers use the Internet regularly and are accustomed to certain standard navigation formats. Keep your navigation simple, and don't stray too far from the user's comfort zone. For instance, most Web users are accustomed to primary navigation always being at the top or left side of the page. Provide a sense of scale. Making the web site's hierarchy visible through drop-down menus under the home page's main headings on the home page is a good way to give the user [...]

The Critical Importance of Your Website’s Headline

The headline you use at the beginning of your website is critically important to your marketing success. It is the first thing people will see when they enter your site. If they don't like your headline, chances are they will leave your site and never return. This is a major problem if you want to make money as an Internet marketer. Luckily there are proven strategies you can use that will make your headline a huge success. This article is going to reveal what makes a headline great. Here are [...]

Tips for creating a successful website!

What is Website or what is a successful website? Lets start with by pretending that we have just come out of a cave or crawled out from under a rock, in other words from the beginning. A Website is a collection of web pages and other information (such as images, sound, and video files, etc.) that are made available through what appears to users as a single web server. You can achieve several benefits from a website. You can easily reach millions of customers quickly and inexpensively. It offers a [...]

Web Site Design Keys

Let's discuss the Web design process, it is the customization of a purchased web template or a design from scratch, for a custom one of a kind web site. The site designer or developer usually (hopefully) will begins this process by asking questions and learning about your business, it's industry and your own personal goals. This will help draw a clear picture of what you are envisioning. Any designer or developer that is worth their salt, will then utilize their expertise in enhancing your ideas and make them much more.  [...]

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