Building A Web Presence That Kicks-A$$ On The Competition! (Part II)

Building A Web Presence That Kicks-A$$ On The Competition! (Part II) Let's continue on the journey of building your site to be SEO attractive to the various platforms (Google, Bing, Yahoo, AOL, Best Of The Web) that provide search results. In Part I we focused on the importance of Off Page SEO, in Part II we will be discussing On Page SEO. On Page SEO is a foundational component in helping the various search engines, Google in particular, to know of the importance and relevance of your site's content. The [...]

Building A Web Presence That Kicks-A$$ On The Competition! (Part I)

I assumed that everyone knows how important a website is to any business's online marketing strategy. Whether your target market is local or global, you absolutely must have an online presence to reach potential buyers. But strangely enough, my assumption was wrong! According to a recent survey, provided by 1&1 Internet, up to 40% of small-to-medium sized businesses still don't have a website. Even if you think you have it covered because you're on a few social media platforms, operating without a website is just insane. A website is the [...]

Focus your local And Sing “More Moola”

The time of leisure-wander browsing of the web has long past, for at least well over 90% of the web's users. We have become the MPS generation, "Microwave Popcorn Society". Translation: You can have tasty buttered popcorn in 30 seconds, but the MPS demand it in 10 seconds. This theology trickles down into every part of our society. Most people use the Internet for targeted searching for research of product or services they require. Examples of targeted searching include car repair in your town, local movie theaters, or local heating [...]

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