When you’re concerned about web design, all businesses should take into consideration their customers over anything else. While you want to make sure your site is filled with all of the SEO enhancers that you can find, making a site that’s accessible and pleasant for customers is what will keep your traffic numbers up. Here are some tips to make sure you’re getting the most out of your web design.

Five Web Design Musts for Every Site OwnerEasy to read pages “ When customers arrive at a web site that’s difficult to read, they tend to leave almost immediately. If you’re not presenting clear web design, your business will see a decrease in your traffic counts and thus your profits. To help ease the reading for the customers, it will help to have large lettering that is simple in style as well as clear links and menu designs that are easy to follow and access.

Fewer colors  While some web sites try to shock a reader into reading what they have to say, this isn’t the best technique. When it comes to web design, web sites that use muted colors tend to attract more return customers. It’s just not easy to read fluorescent colored pages or pages with conflicting color patterns. But when you use simple black and white with muted color accents, you create a site that is inviting and easy to read.

Simple opt in functions Too many other sites want to show off what they know about web design. We have learned web sites that keep things simple tend to fare better because they’re aren’t as complicated. Try to limit the features that your customers can use on each page as well as the steps that are required to use them. While you might want to offer new and exciting opt in functions, when your customer can’t figure out how to use them, they aren’t going to be successful. Also, try not to ask for too much information in the original opt in sections. Customers can be hesitant to provide this information, so they’ll avoid it altogether.

Multiple pages with continuous updates  When you continuously update your web pages, it shows your customers that you are as interested in the web site as they should be. In terms of web design, make sure that you have plenty of content are often the most visited by customers. Part of this is because of the fresh content, but another part is due to the fact that search engines rank these kinds of pages higher.

Links to relevant sites and content – By providing multiple venues for your customer to obtain the information they need, you’re increasing the efficiency and the usefulness of your web design. Businesses that include links to other pages will help customers feel as though you want them to succeed in their search, even if you can’t offer them what they need.

For great web design, Portland/Vancouver or for that matter all businesses need to look at their sites from the customer’s perspective and not just from the design angle.