Direct mail marketing is one of the most popular campaigns done by many business owners and marketers. Often with a choice among ads such as booklet printing, postcards, and catalog printing, this is a sales technique that works well when done right because you are able to send your message directly to your target audiences. It is particularly very effective with advertising catalogs as direct mail marketing encourages ordering from the print ad itself.
This type of advertising is also very successful for most marketers because the ad message that was created is aimed at those people who are more likely to buy from you. Hence, you have more opportunity to provide a personal ad that can get a positive response from your target clients.
And here’s a huge plus: nothing beats seeing a full color booklet or catalog brandishing the things you’ve recently seen and wanted to have, delivered directly to your mailbox or your door slat, or whatever is appropriate.
But sometimes, the ever reliable mail delivery can get pretty annoying, especially when you have to endure all those direct mail marketing ads sent to you by everyone who has his or her own business to promote. Sure, they may be informative, helpful and economical. But they do become sneaky, too forward and aggressive, and most of the time, verging to the obnoxious.
Let’s face it. Even if you get excited just looking at those flashy and brilliant color pictures in the catalogs that they make you want to drool and order as many items as you would like, the fact is, when you get to receive so many direct mail marketing ads everyday, it can be rather oppressive.
Because of direct mail marketing, many retailers have gone to selling their customer database just so they could augment the rising costs of printing and mailing their ads to their target clients. Hence, you find as many kinds of catalogs and booklets in your mailbox everyday, even from those retailers that offer products and services you do not need or want. Some more paper to add to your growing collection.
This is when your ad becomes tacky. Because your print ads go to people who doesn’t have a need for what you have to offer, often, your words and message that you believe are relevant is instead looked upon as something cheap and done in bad taste. Even if your intentions are good, or however fine your writing of your ad copy, it is still a misplaced sentiment when handed out to a person that doesn’t have a need for your business.
So before you decide to choose direct mail marketing as your promotional campaign, you might want to consider looking at the pros and cons first. Because what a direct mail ad can give may just be as beneficial with another media campaign, with less costs of course.
Just think about it.