The most effective way to send instant traffic to your new website and boost your search engine rankings is through Article Database Marketing.
This internet marketing method is mostly low maintenance or does not have to cost you a red cent if you are prepared to spend more time submitting your articles. I personally prefer to spend a few dollars to have my articles submitted on auto-pilot but I understand that not everyone is in that financial position.
Here are 5 ways that article marketing can boost your traffic and significantly increase your earnings:
1. You submit your article to the major article databases and a visitor to one of these sites clicks the link in your article database which leads directly to your product page.
2. A visitor to one of the databases uses your article for their website or newsletter content. To do this they are required to keep your resource box intact when re-posting the articles on their own pages. A visitor to THEIR site then clicks a link in your resource box. This traffic can really add up over time as your article appears on more and more websites. The success of your article will depend on the quality of the writing, the subject at hand and the size of your target market.
3. You submit an auto-responder email link in your resource box which captures the prospects email address. These emails links are usually incentivised by offers of a free report or download. You now have another addition to your mailing list and any mailings going out to this prospect will of course have links back to your site. This is a great way to build long term traffic as will the following steps.
4. The more articles submitted the higher your search engine rankings will increase. Always use your important targeted keywords as the linking text in the resource box of your article. This will greatly improve the positioning of your sites in the major search engines for your chosen keywords. Keep the number of links in your resource box to one or two.
5. Many of the major article sites like Ezinearticles and Goarticles have magnificent Page Ranking(PR) in Google, Yahoo and other search indexes so any articles submitted to their databases are quickly snapped up by the search engines. It is not unusual to see your article pages at the databases getting top rankings for just having submitted it. Choose your article title keywords carefully. So, traffic can come straight from the search engines to your article on the databases thus increasing your link visibility and eventually, overall traffic.
These are just a few of the ways that article marketing can provide a welcome boost in website traffic. There are many others but just looking at these you can see that only a fool would miss out on this chance to increase web traffic and subsequently their overall monthly income.